Ready-made exchanges for purchase - ExchangePlus

Ready-made exchanges for purchase

What’s included in a ready-made exchange:

⦁ A visually appealing and user-friendly website
⦁ Client’s personal dashboard
⦁ Parsing modules for exchange rates
⦁ Integration with payment systems
⦁ Admin panel for managing the website, exchange rates, and requests
⦁ Built-in protection against attacks such as XSS/CSRF/DDoS.

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Cost of a ready-made crypto exchange platform

~ 1000 $

Additional Services:



Server maintenance


Technical website support


Development of referral programs


Turnkey customer support service



Ready-made functionality
Financially advantageous solution

Why choose us

Development from scratch

Purchase of a ready-made product

Our Solution

The ability to test the product before purchasing

Minimal cost for a solution that includes all modules (EURO)

From 100,000

From 100,000

From 100,000

Time from payment to receiving the finished product

From 14 days

From 14 days

From 7 days

Guarantees that the product will meet your expectations

Ability for easy and convenient scaling of the project in the future

Guarantees of transaction security and subsequent support

Any custom modifications or integration of existing modules

Assistance in development: providing liquidity, marketing, and connecting payment systems.

Ready-made crypto exchanges for purchase are the ideal solution for those who want to start a business in the field of cryptocurrencies but do not want to deal with the development and setup of their own exchange platform.

Crypto exchanges for purchase are already ready and debugged platforms that can be purchased for a reasonable price, allowing you to start earning on cryptocurrency exchange immediately. They already have all the necessary functional features, including the ability to exchange various cryptocurrencies, automatic commission calculation, integration with payment systems, and many other functions.

By purchasing a ready-made crypto exchange for purchase, you save time and resources on its development and setup, and also get the opportunity to start working for profit right away. In addition, ready-made crypto exchanges for purchase provide a high degree of protection and security, which is especially important in the face of modern cybersecurity threats.

If you want to start a business in the field of cryptocurrencies and do not want to spend time and resources on developing and setting up your own platform, pay attention to ready-made crypto exchanges for purchase – it is a reliable and profitable solution for a successful start.

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